Remain Diligent


Remain Diligent

In the practice of Buddhism, you must find your own path.

It is up to you to search for and discover the way to transcend suffering.

The correct way to search is to look inside yourself.

The path lies within the hearts and minds of each of us. So be tough and remain diligent until you reach the final destination.

This reflection by Mae Chee Kaew is from the book, Mae Chee Kaew, (pdf) p. 242, compiled from Thai sources & written by Bhikkhu Dick Sīlaratano.

The Subduing of Hatred


The Subduing of Hatred

“There are these five ways of subduing hatred by which, when hatred arises in a monk, he should wipe it out completely. Which five? “When you give birth to hatred for an individual, you should develop goodwill for that individual. Thus the hatred for that individual should be subdued. “When you give birth to hatred for an individual, you should develop compassion for that individual. Thus the hatr…

Learn to Work Together

ฐานิสสโร ภิกขุ

Learn to Work Together

All too often we think that getting in touch with our emotions is a means of tapping into who we really are—that we’ve been divorced from our true nature and that by getting back in touch with our emotions we’ll reconnect with our true identity. But your emotions are not your true nature; they’re just as fabricated as anything else. Because they’re fabricated, the real issue is to learn how to fab…

Trust, Confidentiality, and Consistency

อาจารย์ สุจิตโต

Trust, Confidentiality, and Consistency

Another way of the good friend is they reveal their confidences to you. What they carry deeply in terms of pain, aspiration, regret or joy, they reveal to you. This is precious, this act of trust whereby a person can reveal what is difficult or sensitive for them. When that can occur your sense of friendship grows beyond just liking someone; you have been given their trust. And you must never betr…

The Bitter Pill of Honest Feedback

อัยยา เมธานันทิ

The Bitter Pill of Honest Feedback

A monastery can feel like a secure place. We leave the world behind only to join an exclusive society of robed, shaven-headed confrères with shared aspirations, striving to live by the highest principles. But don’t think that monks and nuns float around in saintly harmony and meditative bliss. Monastic community is a melting pot of temperaments and karmic predicaments – with the heat turned up and…

Nakula’s Parents


Nakula’s Parents

Once the Blessed One was staying among the Bhaggas in the Deer Park at Bhesakaḷā Forest, near Crocodile Haunt. At that time, Nakula’s father [Nakulapitar], the householder, was diseased, in pain, severely ill. Then Nakula’s mother [Nakulamatar] said to him: “Don’t be worried as you die, householder. Death is painful for one who is worried. The Blessed One has criticized being worried at the time o…

What Is the Appeal of Love?

อาจารย์ ชยสาโร

What Is the Appeal of Love?

What is the appeal of love? In the initial stage, it is an effective antidote to boredom for those who find life stale, uninteresting, filled with only drudgery or emptiness or for those who feel lost with no purpose for living. Love can create excitement and meaning. Falling in love is intoxicating, a welcome agitation. Powerful emotional ups and downs—as if regularly falling into hell and then r…

Upasena Vaṅgantaputta


Upasena Vaṅgantaputta

I have heard that on one occasion the Blessed One was staying near Rājagaha at the Bamboo Forest, the Squirrels’ Sanctuary. And on that occasion, when Ven. Upasena Vaṅgantaputta was alone in seclusion, this line of thinking appeared to his awareness: “What a gain, what a true gain it is for me that my teacher is the Blessed One, worthy and fully self-awakened; that I have gone forth from home to t…

Good Advice and Wise Reflection

อาจารย์ ถิรธัมโม

Good Advice and Wise Reflection

Ānanda: ‘Sir, fully half of this religious life is good friendship, good companionship, good association.’ Buddha: ‘Not quite so, Ānanda, not quite so. It is the whole, not the half, of this religious life, this good friendship, good companionship, good association.’ (S.V,2) Although self-reliance is an important foundation for spiritual practice, we can also greatly benefit from the support and…

The Ending of Dukkha Is Now

อาจารย์ อมโร

The Ending of Dukkha Is Now

We can say that the retreat formally closes this evening; this is the last day. But what really makes today special? The mind creates time, schedules. We come to human agreements. We say ‘beginning,’ ‘ending.’ These are all qualities that are imputed, determined, agreed upon. They don’t have any existence in and of themselves. As Luang Por Chah said, ‘The things of this world are merely perception…