Kathina Ceremony 2014

Kathina Ceremony 2014

This year’s Kathina Ceremony will take place on Sunday, October 12th. Each year since the time of the Buddha, at the end of the three-month Rains Retreat, the lay communities near Theravada Buddhist monasteries have gathered to celebrate the completion of the retreat and offer to the monastic community gifts of cloth and supplies that will be useful for the coming year. The cloth is cut, sewn and…

Ajahn Amaro Talk at Stanford

Ajahn Amaro Talk at Stanford

On October 14, 2014, Ajahn Amaro will give a talk at Stanford University titled “Seeds from an Ancient Tree: Cultivating Buddhist Monastic Life in the West.” There is an optional guided meditation at 6:45 pm followed by the 7:30 pm talk. The talk will be given at the Black Community Services Center, 418 Santa Teresa St. (map) For more information see the website for the Ho Center for Buddhist Stud…

Community Work Day - Saturday November 8

Community Work Day - Saturday November 8

The Abhayagiri kitchen is used 365 days a year to prepare food for residents and guests. We strive to keep such essential facilities very clean as an expression of our monastic training. Thus on the afternoon of November 8 we plan to conduct the annual kitchen deep clean (weather permitting). It takes many hands to move everything out of the kitchen, clean all the equipment, wipe down all surfaces…

Buddhist Bicycle Pilgrimage 2002-2014

Buddhist Bicycle Pilgrimage 2002-2014

Buddhist Bicycle Pilgrimage 2002–2014 Commemorative Webpage We gave a commemorative CD of a slideshow and Dhamma talks to each participant in the 2014 Buddhist Bicycle Pilgrimage at the closing ceremony. We thought we would share (most of) the contents of the CD online. What began a Dennis Crean’s idea of a pleasant bike ride has become an annual event involving ~100 people. > “If people hear and…

Ajahn Amaro Returns to Abhayagiri

Ajahn Amaro Returns to Abhayagiri

Ajahn Amaro, co-abbot of Abhayagiri for 14 years is returning in October. Ajahn Amaro will be offering three public talks in northern California. The early afternoon Dhamma reflection for the Abhayagiri Kathina, Oct. 12th. At Stanford University on Tues., Oct. 14th At Abhayagiri on the lunar observance day on the evening of Wed., Oct. 22nd. Please see the Abhayagiri web calendar for the most up-to…

Community Work Days

Community Work Days

Starting Saturday, September 20, 2014 Abhayagiri will re-institute our practice of having a monthly Community Workday. On these days we invite anyone interested to come and explore work and practice with our resident community. There will be a variety of tasks to do so all are welcome and no one need feel that work will be too difficult. The timetable for these days will be as follows:- 7:30 am to…

Luang Por Pasanno to give talk at Tipitika Chanting Event

Luang Por Pasanno to give talk at Tipitika Chanting Event

Luang Por Pasanno will be giving an talk on the evening of October 10th, 2014 at the Mangalam Buddhist Center in Berkeley as part of the First International Tipitaka Chanting Ceremony. For more information and to RSVP please visit the following link: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/international-tipitaka-chanting-ceremony-berkeley-usa-october-9th-10th-11th-2014-tickets-12682037315

Ajahn Viradhammo: Dhamma Talk at Abhayagiri

Ajahn Viradhammo: Dhamma Talk at Abhayagiri

Ajahn Viradhammo, abbot of Tisarana Buddhist Monastery in Ottawa, Canada (http://tisarana.ca/) will be offering a Dhamma talk at Abhayagiri Saturday, August 30. Evening chanting and meditation begin at 7:30 pm and will be followed by the talk. All are welcome to come for the talk with no reservation required.

Upasaka Yatiko

Upasaka Yatiko

On Sunday, Aug. 10th, Ajahn Yatiko formally took leave of the Abhayagiri Sangha. After the fortnightly recitation of the monastic rules by the bhikkhus, all of the resident community assembled as Ajahn Yatiko formally asked forgiveness from the Abhayagiri Sangha for any wrongdoings during his past 24 years as a monastic. On behalf of the Sangha, Ajahn Pasanno responded in the traditional Pāli lang…

Photo Albums added

Photo Albums added

3 New photo galleries with pictures of Luang Por Pasanno’s 65 birthday, Paying Respects to Ajahn Maha Prasert, and Continuing Reception Hall Construction have been added to our web gallery ( http://www.abhayagiri.org/gallery ). Please have mudita (sympathetic joy).