Registration Now Open for the Thanksgiving Retreat

Registration Now Open for the Thanksgiving Retreat

Registration is now open for the Abhayagiri Thanksgiving Retreat via the below link : After you submit your registration you should receive a confirmation email. If you do not, contact the retreat manager - For more information about the retreat, please see the below informa…

Thanksgiving Retreat 2021

Thanksgiving Retreat 2021

We invite you to join Luang Por Pasanno, Ajahn Karunadhammo, Ajahn Nyaniko and the Abhayagiri Community for our annual Thanksgiving Retreat. The Thanksgiving Retreat will be offered live online via Zoom from Friday November 19th to Sunday November 28th. The retreat will offer a schedule that includes Puja, Dhamma Teachings, Q&A sessions along with sitting and walking meditation. Qi gong will be of…

Summer Update from Abhayagiri

Summer Update from Abhayagiri

As the summer rolls on and the vassa (traditional rains retreat) has already begun, we enter another monastic year. The now normal, but currently distant, California fires and their ensuing smoke make a subtle encroachment upon the mind at ease in the beauty of the valley. Heat waves of the summer and droplets of sweat remind us not to take refuge in any comfortable conditions. The global pandemic…

Dr Marc F Lieberman -- July 7, 1949 - August 2, 2021

Dr Marc F Lieberman -- July 7, 1949 - August 2, 2021

In September 1987, a group of six individuals gathered to discuss the possibility of inviting monastics from the Luang Por Chah/Luang Por Sumedho tradition to come to California to begin the first Monastery of that tradition here in the USA. Dr Marc was a large part of the success of the endeavor which led to the 1996 establishment of Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery. A very warm and generous hearted…

Thinking Isn't the Enemy - Ajahn Pasanno Half Day Online Retreat

Thinking Isn't the Enemy - Ajahn Pasanno Half Day Online Retreat

On August 21st, from 1pm to 5pm Pacific Time, Ajahn Pasanno will be leading an online retreat via Zoom. The retreat will be hosted by Spirit Rock and the theme is Thinking Isn’t the Enemy. In meditation, people often expend large amounts of energy trying to stop their thinking so that they can be peaceful. This can result in a very tense and limited mind state. This afternoon’s teaching will focus…

Nourishing the Roots by Ajahn Pasanno - A Collection of Four Talks

Nourishing the Roots by Ajahn Pasanno - A Collection of Four Talks

A small book of four talks given by Ajahn Pasanno has just been released as a gift commemorating Abhayagiri’s 25th Anniversary and Ajahn Pasanno’s 72nd birthday. This book is available in PDF, ePUB, and Mobi formats. Please see the Abhayagiri books section to download this book: Also, the Nine Days of Dhamma is currently in progress. To register to participate in p…

Abhayagiri's 25th Anniversary, Livestreams Resume and Spring 2021 Newsletter

Abhayagiri's 25th Anniversary, Livestreams Resume and Spring 2021 Newsletter

On June 1st, 1996, Ajahn Amaro, Ajahn Visuddhi, and Anagārika Tom (now Ajahn Karuṇadhammo) arrived at 16201 Tomki Road in order to pioneer the first day of Abhayagiri, 25 years ago. This first day was the culmination of many visits by Ajahn Sumedho and Ajahn Amaro to California, as well as the work of various lay people (including Debbie Stamp and Marc Lieberman) over the course of several years.…

Ajahn Pasanno Question & Answer Session with Manijeh Motaghy

Ajahn Pasanno Question & Answer Session with Manijeh Motaghy

Ajahn Pasanno met via Zoom with Manijeh Motaghy’s group for a Question and Answer session. The themes touched on include how to use the Buddha’s teachings to relieve the stress of life. You may view a video of the Q & A on Abhayagiri’s YouTube Channel : Or listen to the audio via the Abhayagiri website :…

Ajahn Sucitto Online Retreat - May 30-June 4

Ajahn Sucitto Online Retreat - May 30-June 4

Clearing the Floods - Dealing with Internal and External Overload with Ajahn Sucitto We would like to let you know about this online retreat offered by Ajahn Sucitto : This on-line Zoom Retreat will focus on clearing sensory and karmic overload and residues that impact the heart. Unresolved history can cause us to continue to frame ourselves and others with unhelpful projections. Clearing these wi…

Updated on May 28 : Abhayagiri 25th Anniversary Retreats, June 9 to 17th : Note : It is now possible to attend in person for more than one day.

Updated on May 28 : Abhayagiri 25th Anniversary Retreats, June 9 to 17th : Note : It is now possible to attend in person for more than one day.

Dear Dhamma friends, For the last year during the pandemic, Abhayagiri Monastery’s gatherings took a different form of limited gatherings over a number of days. In July of 2020 for Luang Por Pasanno’s 71st birthday, for example, some of the faithful lay supporters hosted “9 Days of Dāna” where a limited number of 20 pre-registered people could offer food and requisites to the Sangha. The goodness…