Abhayagiri Newsletter - Vassa 2021

Abhayagiri Newsletter - Vassa 2021

A new electronic newsletter is available via the following link : https://mailchi.mp/abhayagiri/abhayagiri-newsletter-vassa-2021

Meal Time is Now 10:45am

Meal Time is Now 10:45am

We would like to let everyone know that due to the change from Daylight Savings Time to Standard Time on November 7th the Abhayagiri mealtime is now 10:45 am. The general public is welcome to visit Abhayagiri for day visits. For information on the current health and safety guidelines please see below. Day visitors are welcome to go into the Free Distribution Book Room and the Public Restrooms. A b…

Kathina Livestreams Daily Beginning November 2nd

Kathina Livestreams Daily Beginning November 2nd

Abhayagiri will be holding a multi-day Kathina event starting November 2nd culminating with the official Kathina ceremony on Sunday, November 7th. All are welcome to join each day via the YouTube livestream beginning at 12:30pm Pacific Time (except beginning at 1pm on November 4th). The daily ceremony includes giving of the five precepts, paritta chanting and then a Dhamma talk. Registration is no…

Abhayagiri Kathina 2021

Abhayagiri Kathina 2021

Update : A live stream of the Kathina Ceremony on November 7th will be available via the Abhayagiri YouTube Channel. Please note that registration is now closed. If you have not registered, please visit outisde of the dates Nov. 2nd to Nov. 7th. If you have any questions about visiting from Nov. 2nd to Nov. 7th, please email retreatmanager.kathy@gmail.com We apologize that there is only limited sp…

Insight Santa Cruz Daylong Retreat

Insight Santa Cruz Daylong Retreat

Ajahn Ñāṇiko will be leading a daylong retreat hosted by Insight Santa Cruz on Saturday, October 2nd. Retreatants can attend via Zoom or by watching the livestream on the Abhayagiri YouTube page. The retreat will include chanting, sitting and walking meditation, and the monastic meal blessing. There will also be Dhamma reflection and question and answer session with Ajahn Ñāṇiko. The event listing…

Registration Now Open for the Thanksgiving Retreat

Registration Now Open for the Thanksgiving Retreat

Registration is now open for the Abhayagiri Thanksgiving Retreat via the below link : https://www.eventbrite.com/e/abhayagiri-2021-online-thanksgiving-retreat-tickets-175048925047 After you submit your registration you should receive a confirmation email. If you do not, contact the retreat manager - retreatmanager.kathy@gmail.com For more information about the retreat, please see the below informa…

Thanksgiving Retreat 2021

Thanksgiving Retreat 2021

We invite you to join Luang Por Pasanno, Ajahn Karunadhammo, Ajahn Nyaniko and the Abhayagiri Community for our annual Thanksgiving Retreat. The Thanksgiving Retreat will be offered live online via Zoom from Friday November 19th to Sunday November 28th. The retreat will offer a schedule that includes Puja, Dhamma Teachings, Q&A sessions along with sitting and walking meditation. Qi gong will be of…

Summer Update from Abhayagiri

Summer Update from Abhayagiri

As the summer rolls on and the vassa (traditional rains retreat) has already begun, we enter another monastic year. The now normal, but currently distant, California fires and their ensuing smoke make a subtle encroachment upon the mind at ease in the beauty of the valley. Heat waves of the summer and droplets of sweat remind us not to take refuge in any comfortable conditions. The global pandemic…

Dr Marc F Lieberman -- July 7, 1949 - August 2, 2021

Dr Marc F Lieberman -- July 7, 1949 - August 2, 2021

In September 1987, a group of six individuals gathered to discuss the possibility of inviting monastics from the Luang Por Chah/Luang Por Sumedho tradition to come to California to begin the first Monastery of that tradition here in the USA. Dr Marc was a large part of the success of the endeavor which led to the 1996 establishment of Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery. A very warm and generous hearted…

Thinking Isn't the Enemy - Ajahn Pasanno Half Day Online Retreat

Thinking Isn't the Enemy - Ajahn Pasanno Half Day Online Retreat

On August 21st, from 1pm to 5pm Pacific Time, Ajahn Pasanno will be leading an online retreat via Zoom. The retreat will be hosted by Spirit Rock and the theme is Thinking Isn’t the Enemy. In meditation, people often expend large amounts of energy trying to stop their thinking so that they can be peaceful. This can result in a very tense and limited mind state. This afternoon’s teaching will focus…