Upāsika Day and Ordination

Upāsika Day and Ordination

Upcoming Events at Abhayagiri: Saturday, June 15 - Upāsika Day: “Devotion and Ritual: A Monastic’s Life.” An exploration of various ceremonies and activities specific to the monastics’ way of life and how they apply in lay life. The day will include topics such as a monk’s confession of offenses and the Patimokkha (the fortnightly recitation of the monks’ 227 precepts) and how it informs the monks…

Tudong Monks Spotted in northern California

Tudong Monks Spotted in northern California

At mid-day on June 1, 2013 , Ajahn Ñāniko and Tan Thitābho set off on foot from Abhayagiri to walk north to the Pacific Hermitage in White Salmon, Washington. They are engaged in a traditional walking pilgrimage, commonly known as a tudong. On Sat., June 8, Doug Sherman caught up with them in Eureka, CA and provided a few photos of them as the go along in their journey. The photos are available in…

Ajahn Candasiri Visiting Abhayagiri

Ajahn Candasiri Visiting Abhayagiri

Ajahn Canadasiri, a senior nun of the Ajahn Chah Thai Forest Tradition, will be visiting Abhayagiri from June 5th until June 9th. Furthermore, she has been invited to offer the evening Dhamma talk on Saturday, June 8th. Ajahn Candasiri was born in Scotland in 1947 and was brought up as a Christian. After university, she trained and worked as an occupational therapist, mainly in the field of mental…

Ajahn Sucitto to Visit Abhayagiri

Ajahn Sucitto to Visit Abhayagiri

Ajahn Sucitto, the abbot of Chithurst Buddhist Monasteryin England, will be visiting Abhayagiri from May 22nd to May 30th. It is planned to have him offer teachings the evening of Vesakha Puja, May 24th, and on the following Saturday evening, May 25th. Below is a brief biography of Ajahn Sucitto from his recent book Parami : Ways to Cross Life’s Floods “Born in London in 1949, Ajahn Sucitto entere…

Ajahn Dtun to Visit Abhayagiri

Ajahn Dtun to Visit Abhayagiri

Ajahn Dtun, a prominent meditation teacher within the Thai Forest Tradition, is expected to arrive at Abhayagiri late on the evening of Saturday, May 4th and depart on Friday, May 10th. Ajahn Dtun will be present at the Samanera Ordination of Anagarika Evan on Sunday, May 5th. The exact time of the ordination is slated to be determined the day of the ordination or the day before. Ajahn Dtun will a…

New Reception Hall Building

New Reception Hall Building

This year Abhayagiri is planning the construction of a new Reception Hall building that will include a Dhamma Hall, large kitchen and food storage room, library, laundry, bathroom, children’s room, meeting room, storage and more. This building is the largest construction project Abhayagiri has taken on to date, and has been in planning for many years. Abhayagiri is currently functioning with the o…