Meal Offering is Now at 10:45am

Meal Offering is Now at 10:45am

Please note that due to the change from Daylight Savings Time to Standard Time the Abhayagiri meal offering is currently at 10:45 am. This new meal time will remain in effect through the fall and winter.

Current Guidelines for Visiting - Updated April 3, 2022

Current Guidelines for Visiting - Updated April 3, 2022

The general public is welcome to visit Abhayagiri for day visits. The daily meal offering is at 11:00 am. The monastic community will offer a meal blessing in the main Dhamma Hall. Any food offerings can be left on the tables outside the kitchen, and the kitchen crew will prepare it for the meal as time allows. At this time, the kitchen is still unavailable for food prep and cooking, however guest…

Update: Registration Available for Daylong at Spirit Rock on Oct. 1st led by Ajahn Karunadhammo

Update: Registration Available for Daylong at Spirit Rock on Oct. 1st led by Ajahn Karunadhammo

Contemplations to Settle the Mind on Oct. 1st Stressing out trying to settle the mind and “get concentrated?” Tired of trying to force your attention onto a narrow point of breathing and getting frustrated? We’ll explore setting up the mind/heart with some contemplations that allow for natural and easeful settling into samadhi, rather than trying to force attention onto a tight location. The day w…

Update on the Mindfulness of Breathing Practice & Study Day and Other Upcoming Events

Update on the Mindfulness of Breathing Practice & Study Day and Other Upcoming Events

Luang Por Pasanno, Ajahn Karunadhammo and Ajahn Nyaniko will be the teachers for the practice and study day at Abhayagiri on September 9. The event is from 9am to 5pm and the theme is mindfulness of breathing. This event is freely offered for the general public and no registration is required. There will be teachings offered and also time for meditation and for questions. All are welcome to attend…

Technical Difficulties with Livestreams

Technical Difficulties with Livestreams

Due to technical difficulties, the livestreams from Abhayagiri are currently unreliable. We regret any inconvenience or frustration this is causing. Please note that videos of the Dhamma talks are generally posted within a few days on the Abhayagiri YouTube Channel.

Vesākha Puja 2023 Photo Gallery

Vesākha Puja 2023 Photo Gallery

Abhayagiri celebrated Vesākha Puja, the day commemorating the Buddha’s birth, enlightenment, and parinibbāna, on June 3rd with an evening of meditation, chanting, and Dhamma teachings. Those who came to the monastery expressed their faith and gratitude to the Teacher by preparing offerings of flowers and circumambulating a shrine set up for the event. A photo gallery of the event can be viewed at…

Thanksgiving Retreat 2023

Thanksgiving Retreat 2023

We invite you to join the Abhayagiri Community for our annual Thanksgiving Retreat at the Applegate Retreat Center in Applegate, California. The Thanksgiving Retreat will be an in person event from Sunday, November 19 to Sunday, November 26. Registration information and more details will be available closer to the event. The retreat will offer a schedule that includes Puja, Dhamma Teachings, Q&A s…

Ajahn Nyaniko Retreat in Thailand

Ajahn Nyaniko Retreat in Thailand

Ajahn Nyaniko has been in Thailand and India during the winter and spring and will return to Abhayagiri in July. He recently led a five day meditation retreat in Thailand. The talks from that retreat are available on this YouTube page: Ajahn Nyaniko Retreat in Thailand.

Cancellation of Practice & Study Day on May 27

Cancellation of Practice & Study Day on May 27

Dear friends, With much sadness the Practice & Study Day on May 27 has just been cancelled due to Covid related concerns at Abhayagiri. We regret any disappointment or inconvenience that this cancellation may cause. Abhayagiri

Update: Cancelled - Mindfulness of Breathing Practice and Study Day

Update: Cancelled - Mindfulness of Breathing Practice and Study Day

Dear friends, With much sadness the Practice & Study Day below has been cancelled due to Covid related concerns at Abhayagiri. We regret any disappointment or inconvenience that this cancellation may cause. Abhayagiri There will be a Practice and Study in the Abhayagiri Dhamma Hall from 9am to 5pm on the theme of mindfulness of breathing. This event is freely offered for the general public and no…