A Day of Peace: Yoga and Meditation Daylong Oct. 4

Ajahn Pasanno and Cator Shachoy will lead a day of meditation and yoga Sunday, October 4 from 9 am to 5 pm at the Mindfulness Care Center in San Francisco. This is a benefit event for Youth Yoga Dharma. The day begins with meditation led by Ajahn Pasanno, followed by a 2-hour yoga class with Cator. Lunch break from 12-1:30 pm includes a traditional meal offering. Please bring a food offering to share with Ajahn Pasanno and others. The afternoon will include sitting and walking meditation, dharma reflections, Q&A. This retreat is open to anyone with an interest in yoga & meditation. No previous experience is necessary. No advance registration is required; just show up for the day. See the event flyer for more details.
Mindfulness Care Center
42 Gough Street SF, CA 94103
(415) 503-1971