On Love 2

Ajahn Jayasāro

On Love 2

In learning about love, these are the kinds of questions we can ask ourselves: What is love? What are the advantages and drawbacks of love? How does love arise? How is love sustained? How does love decay and end? What are the impurities of love? What preserves and purifies love? How should we behave with respect to love so as to maximize happiness and minimize pain? Mundane love has natural limita…

Collected Teachings 2

Mae Chee Kaew

Collected Teachings 2

The body is an important object of craving; and the resulting attachment is a tenacious defilement. Suffering is the consequence. To overcome it, focus your attention on the decay and disintegration of the human body so that the mind becomes clearly disgusted with the human condition, thoroughly weary of the true nature of human embodiment. As repulsion to the physical grows stronger, lightness an…

Discernment and Moderation

Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu

Discernment and Moderation

An example of harmless pleasure is the pleasure that comes from the beauties of wilderness, where you can find the seclusion that fosters concentration. At present we tend to take for granted the idea that wilderness is beautiful, and forget that only recently has human culture come to view wilderness in a positive light. For millennia, ever since the beginnings of agriculture, wilderness was some…

Collected Teachings 1

Mae Chee Kaew

Collected Teachings 1

Having been born into the world, we attach importance to the days and the months and the years as they pass. We believe in the importance of our lives and the lives of others. For this reason, our minds are constantly concerned with pain and suffering. No sooner do we take birth than we cling on tightly to our precarious state and start to worry. We are afraid of this and fear that. Our minds are…

Snow on a Forest Trail

Ajahn Jotipālo

Snow on a Forest Trail

This morning I was walking through the forest on a path that I’ve walked thousands of times before, and everything looked completely different. Two conditions had changed: there was moisture in the air and the temperature had dropped below freezing. This completely transformed the path. Most of the trees were covered with heavy snow and ice. It was quite beautiful. I was contemplating this in term…

Every In-and-out Breath

Upāsikā Kee Nanayon

Every In-and-out Breath

January 29, 1964 Try keeping your awareness with the breath to see what the still mind is like. It’s very simple, all the rules have been laid out. But when you actually try to do it, something resists. It’s hard. But when you let your mind think 108 things, no matter what, it’s all easy. It’s not hard at all. Try and see if you can engage your mind with the breath in the same way it’s been engage…

Inner Listening 2

Ajahn Amaro

Inner Listening 2

We tend to think of the mind as being in the body. Actually we’ve got it wrong: the body is rather in the mind. Everything that we know about the body, now and at any previous time, has been known through the agency of our mind. This doesn’t mean to say there isn’t a physical world, but what we can say for certain is that the experience of the body, and the experience of the world, happen within o…

Where the water flows; O Moment

Amaravati Nuns

Where the water flows;  O Moment

Where the water flows Through the silence owls sound of Night’s coming: time has lost itself. The flood water turbulence has long since spent itself. Fluvial the mind has pooled and emptied. Bats soar here undisturbed. Night she has come; the day has yielded – Awaken. Let her Jewels shine. O Moment O moment not to be grasped or sought even for a moment. Not late but present letting things be sippi…

Continue Seeing Conventions

Ajahn Anan

Continue Seeing Conventions

Any consciousness that does arise simply arises, endures, and then ceases; it doesn’t remain long. There is no self there to be found. However, the heart attaches to the “seeing” as me seeing. This is where the problem lies. When “I” am the one who hears, then it’s: “he insulted me,” “he criticized me,” “he doesn’t like me.” That’s how the heart will perceive it. So get in and investigate this. He…

More Seeing Conventions

Ajahn Anan

More Seeing Conventions

Lead the heart to see that everything is empty.The Buddha said, “Mogharāja, look on the world as empty and death’s king will not be able to find you.” Death’s king here is dukkha, and if we view the world in this way it won’t reach us. Please contemplate this and practice so as to see the conventions and supposition in all material things.These things are impermanent, unsatisfactory and without s…