Original House Demolished

After over 20 years of holding a central place in the Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery, the original house was demolished on May 16th, 2017. Additional pictures can be seen here:
After over 20 years of holding a central place in the Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery, the original house was demolished on May 16th, 2017. Additional pictures can be seen here:
We hope you can join us at Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery for the next Upāsakā Day on Sunday, June 4, a day of community, Dhamma study, meditation, and renewal. The event will begin at 10 AM with the taking of precepts. The group session will be livestreamed at https://youtu.be/Ij8MV7h00KQ starting at 1PM. Our theme for the day will be Sutta Study: Two Kinds of Thought, and The Removal of Distracti…
On May 6, 2017, three ordinations took place at Abhayagiri. Former anagārikas Jeff, Dorian, and Hector went forth as sāmaṇeras Guṇavīro, Tissaro, Ṭhitasukho, with Luang Por Pasanno as their preceptor. In the tradition, taking ordination as a sāmaṇera is a way of further devoting oneself to the training in preparation for full Bhikkhu ordination. In case you missed it, a video of the ordination was…
Luang Por was in Thailand in December, 2016 and was featured in several Thai-language documentaries. You can watch these videos via the following links: รายงานพิเศษ - งานอาจาริยบูชา พระโพธิญาณเถร (ชา สุภัทโท) เทปการแสดงธรรมธรรมโดย พระโพธิญาณวิเทศ (ปสันโน ภิกขุ) ณ มูลนิธิบ้านอารีย์ รายงานพิเศษ - มรดกธรรม พระโพธิญาณเถร (ชา สุภัทโท)
On May 6th, 2017, all are welcome to attend the formal ceremony in which Anagārikas Jeff, Dorian, and Hector will take the brown robes of a novice (sāmaṇera). This event will be livestreamed. The program will begin with evening puja at 7:30 PM. The ordination ceremony will likely start between 8:15–8:45 PM. The ceremony will take place in the new reception hall. Please see our calendar for additio…
Today, April 27, 2017, marks Luang Por Viradhammo’s 70th birthday. We at Abhayagiri would like to share our happiness, gratitude and good wishes to Luang Por Viradhammo and the community at Tisarana. New Book: The Contemplative’s Craft In celebration of this day, we would like to share Luang Por Viradhammo’s new book, entitled The Contemplative’s Craft: Internalizing the Teachings of the Buddha, w…
We hope you can join us at Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery for the annual Upasika Renewal Day on Sunday, April 30, 2017, a day of community, Dhamma study, meditation, and renewal. Our theme for the day will be “Devotion and Ritual: Becoming The Buddha.” Luang Por Pasanno and senior Abhayagiri monastics have graciously agreed to lead us in reflections on the ceremonies, April 14, 15 and 16 (see www.a…
Watch Luang Por Piak at Abhayagiri Saturday’s Dhamma Talk Monday’s Question & Answer Session Tuesday’s Dhamma Talk Luang Por Piak Visiting Abhayagiri Ajahn Piak, a Thai disciple of Ajahn Chah and close friend of Ajahn Dtun and Ajahn Anan, will be visiting Abhayagiri for a week in April. We expect him to arrive the evening of April 19 and depart early in the morning on April 26. We plan to invite A…
On April 14, 15 and 16, Abhayagiri will be having ceremonies to consecrate the Buddha image in our new meditation hall, and everyone is welcome to come and join in with us. Although it is not the grand opening which we will have when the building and grounds are completely finished (hopefully within a year), this building has been a construction site for a very long time, and we feel that it would…
Temporary Occupancy for Reception Hall; Phase 4 to Begin We are happy to announce that on Tuesday, March 14th, we called for an inspection of the Reception Hall building. The county inspector passed the building and gave us a temporary occupancy permit. This permit allows us to start using the building immediately. There are still a few days worth of cabinetry, tiling, and carpentry work, as well…