Tags – Numerical
Threes (7)      Fours (14)      Fives (5)      Sixes (1)      Sevens (2)      Eights (3)      Tens (3)      Twelves (1)      Thiry-sevens (1)


Right Intention (20) (sammā-saṅkappa):

1. Renunciation (20) (nekkhamma)

2. Non-ill-will (abyāpāda) see Goodwill (2/121)

3. Non-cruelty (avihiṃsā) see Compassion (1/103)

Right Action (4) (sammā-kammanta):

Abstaining from: (veramaṇī)

1. Killing (19) (pāṇātipāta)

2. Stealing (4) (adinnādāna)

3. Sexual misconduct (7) (kāmesu micchācāra)

Noble Truth of the Cause of Suffering (1/27) (dukkha-samudaya ariya-sacca):

1. Craving for sensuality (kāma-taṇhā) see Sensual desire (1/53)

2. Craving to become (bhava-taṇhā) see Becoming (1/23)

3. Craving not to become (16) (vibhava-taṇhā)

Three Unwholesome Roots (1/56) (ti-akusala-mūlā):

1. Greed (10) (lobha)

2. Aversion (79) (dosa)

3. Delusion (51) (moha)

Characteristics of existence (24):

1. Impermanence (1/84) (anicca)

2. Suffering (1/179) (dukkha)

3. Not-self (1/79) (anattā)

Three Aspects of Understanding (1):

1. Gratification (3) (assāda)

2. Drawbacks (3) (ādīnava)

3. Escape (nissaraṇa)

Three Refuges (1/44) (tisaraṇa):

1. Buddha (4/50)

2. Dhamma (2/56)

3. Saṅgha (58)


Right Speech (1/22) (sammā-vācā):

Abstaining from: (veramaṇī)

1. False speech (1/6) (musā-vādā)

2. Malicious speech (6) (pisuṇāya vācā)

3. Harsh speech (3) (pharusāya vācā)

4. Idle chatter (5) (samphappalāpa)

Right Effort (87) (sammā-vāyāma):

Effort for the

1. Non-arising of unarisen evil unskillful qualities (anuppannānaṁ pāpakānaṁ akusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ anuppādāya) see Right Effort (87)

2. Abandoning of arisen evil unskillful qualities (uppannānaṁ pāpakānaṁ akusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ pahānāya) see Right Effort (87)

3. Arising of unarisen skillful qualities (anuppannānaṁ kusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ uppādāya) see Right Effort (87)

4. Fulfillment of arisen skillful qualities (uppannānaṁ kusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ pāripūriyā) see Right Effort (87)

Right Mindfulness (1/60) (sammā-sati):

1. Mindfulness of body (75) (kāyagatā-sati)

2. Mindfulness of feeling (21) (vedanā-sati)

3. Mindfulness of mind (36) (citta-sati)

4. Mindfulness of dhammas (7) (dhammā-sati)

Four Postures (9):

1. Posture/Sitting (19) (nisinna)

2. Posture/Walking (30) (caranta)

3. Posture/Lying down (1/4) (sayāna)

4. Posture/Standing (6) (tiṭṭhanta)

Four Noble Truths (1/42) (cattāri ariya-saccāni):

1. Noble Truth of Suffering (1/20) (dukkha ariya-sacca)

2. Noble Truth of the Cause of Suffering (1/27) (dukkha-samudaya ariya-sacca)

3. Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering (48) (dukkha-nirodha ariya-saccaṃ)

4. Noble Truth of the Path to the Cessation of Suffering (dukkha-nirodha-gāminī paṭipadā ariya-sacca) see Eightfold Path (47)

Four Bases of Success (7) (cattāro iddhipādā):

Concentration based on exertion and (sa­mā­dhi­­p­padhāna­saṅkhā­rasa­ma­n­nāga­taṁ)

1. Desire (1/47) (chanda)

2. Energy (39) (viriya)

3. Heart/mind (2/35) (citta)

4. Investigation (vīmaṃsā) see Discernment (124)

Divine Abidings (1/23) (brahmavihārā):

1. Goodwill (2/121) (mettā)

2. Compassion (1/103) (karuṇā)

3. Empathetic joy (10) (muditā)

4. Equanimity (1/42) (upekkhā)

Stages of awakening (31):

1. Stream entry (1/27) (sotāpanna)

2. Once return (1) (sakadāgāmī)

3. Non-return (2) (anāgamī)

4. Arahant (14)

Factors for stream entry (1) (sotāpattiyaṅga):

1. Association with people of integrity (12) (sappurisasaṁseva)

2. Hearing the true Dhamma (18) (saddhammassavana)

3. Appropriate attention (21) (yoniso manasikāra)

4. Practicing in accordance with Dhamma (30) (dhammā­nu­dhamma­p­paṭipatti)

Four Biases (1) (catarī agatī):

1. Bias from desire (chandāgati) see Desire (1/47)

2. Bias from aversion (dosāgati) see Aversion (79)

3. Bias from delustion (mohāgati) see Delusion (51)

4. Bias from fear (bhayāgati) see Fear (1/71)

Four Nutriments (7) (cattāro āhārā):

1. Physical food (2/43) (kabaliṅkāra āhāra)

2. Contact (13) (phassa)

3. Mental volition (1/34) (manosañcetanā)

4. Consciousness (2/28) (viññāṇa)

Four Protective Meditations (1) (caturārakkhā bhāvanā):

1. Mindfulness of body (75)

2. Unattractiveness/32 parts (33) (asubha/dvattiṁsākāra)

3. Recollection/Buddha (20)

4. Goodwill (2/121)

Four Requisites (9):

1. Robes (14) (cīvara)

2. Almsfood (1/28) (piṇḍapāta)

3. Lodging (19) (senāsana)

4. Medicinal requisites (15) (gilāna-paccaya-bhesajja-parikkhāraṃ)

Qualities for non-decline (1) (aparihānāya dhammā):

1. Accomplishment in virtue (sīlasampanno) see Virtue (59)

2. Sense restraint (15) (indriyesu guttadvāro)

3. Moderation in eating (1) (bhojane mattaññū)

4. Devotion to wakefulness (18) (jāgariyaṁ anuyutto)


Five Hindrances (1/26) (pañca nīvaraṇāni):

1. Sensual desire (1/53) (kāmacchanda)

2. Ill-will (14) (byāpāda)

3. Sloth and torpor (2/37) (thīna-middha)

4. Restlessness and worry (1/47) (uddhacca-kukkucca)

5. Doubt (1/33) (vicikiccha)

Five Aggregates (1/43) (pañcakkhandhā):

1. Form (10) (rūpa)

2. Feeling (49) (vedanā)

3. Perception (2/40) (saññā)

4. Volitional formations (2/36) (saṅkhāra)

5. Consciousness (2/28) (viññāṇa)

Five Faculties (5) (pañca indriyā):

1. Faith (96) (saddhā)

2. Energy (39) (viriya)

3. Mindfulness (97) (sati)

4. Concentration (74) (samādhi)

5. Discernment (124) (paññā)

Five Precepts (14) (pañca sikkhāpadāni):

Abstaining from: (veramaṇī)

1. Killing (19) (pāṇātipāta)

2. Stealing (4) (adinnādāna)

3. Sexual misconduct (7) (kāmesu micchācāra)

4. False speech (1/6) (musā-vādā)

5. Intoxicants (2/21) (surāmeraya-majja-pamādaṭṭhānā)

Realms of existence (11):

1. Deva (29)

2. Human (55) (manussa)

3. Ghost (11) (peta)

4. Animal (20) (tiracchāna)

5. Hell (2) (niraya)


Six Principles of Cordiality (1) (cha dhammā sārāṇīyā):

1-3. Acts of goodwill by body, speech, and mind see Goodwill (2/121)

4. Sharing requisites in common see Generosity (88)

5. Unbroken virtue see Virtue (59)

6. Noble and emancipating view see Right View (1/32)


Seven Factors of Awakening (9) (satta bojjhaṅgā):

1. Mindfulness (97) (sati)

2. Investigation of states (2/35) (dhamma-vicaya)

3. Energy (39) (viriya)

4. Rapture (2/30) (pīti)

5. Tranquility (75) (passaddhi)

6. Concentration (74) (samādhi)

7. Equanimity (1/42) (upekkhā)

Seven Treasures (7) (satta dhanā):

1. Faith (96) (saddhā)

2. Virtue (59) (sīla)

3-4. Conscience and prudence (1/16) (hiri-otappa)

5. Learning (2/85) (suta)

6. Generosity (88) (dāna)

7. Discernment (124) (paññā)


Noble Eightfold Path (47) (ariya aṭṭaṅgika magga):

1. Right View (1/32) (sammā-diṭṭhi)

2. Right Intention (20) (sammā-saṅkappa)

3. Right Speech (1/22) (sammā-vācā)

4. Right Action (4) (sammā-kammanta)

5. Right Livelihood (38) (sammā-ājīva)

6. Right Effort (87) (sammā-vāyāma)

7. Right Mindfulness (1/60) (sammā-sati)

8. Right Concentration (24) (sammā-samādhi)

Eight Precepts (7) (aṭṭha sikkhāpadāni):

Abstaining from: (veramaṇī)

1. Killing (19) (pāṇātipāta)

2. Stealing (4) (adinnādāna)

3. Sexual activity (abrahmacariya) see Celibacy (2)

4. False speech (1/6) (musā-vāda)

5. Intoxicants (2/21) (surāmeraya-majja-pamādaṭṭhāna)

6. Eating after noon (3) (vikāla-bhojana)

7. Entertainment and adornment (6) (nacca-gīta-vādita)

8. High and luxurious beds (1) (uccāsayana-mahāsayanā)

Eight Worldly Conditions (4) (aṭṭha lokadhammā):

1-2. Gain and loss (lābho ca alābho ca)

3-4. Fame and disrepute (1) (yaso ca ayaso ca)

5-6. Blame and praise (7) (nindā ca pasaṃsā ca)

7. Pleasure (sukha) see Happiness (2/126)

8. Pain (1/32) (dukkha)


Ten Perfections (10) (dasa pāramiyo):

1. Generosity (88) (dāna)

2. Virtue (59) (sīla)

3. Renunciation (20) (nekkhamma)

4. Discernment (124) (paññā)

5. Energy (39) (viriya)

6. Patience (1/50) (khanti)

7. Truth (40) (sacca)

8. Determination (30) (adhiṭṭhāna)

9. Goodwill (2/121) (mettā)

10. Equanimity (1/42) (upekkhā)

Ten Fetters (1/3) (dasa saṃyojanā):

1. Self-identity view (1/129) (sakkāya-diṭṭhi)

2. Doubt (1/33) (vicikicchā)

3. Attachment to precepts and practices (13) (sīlabbata-parāmāsa)

4. Sensual desire (1/53) (kāmacchanda)

5. Ill-will (14) (byāpāda)

6. Craving for material existence (1) (rūparāga)

7. Craving for immaterial existence (arūparāga)

8. Conceit (27) (māna)

9. Restlessness (uddhacca) see Restlessness and worry (1/47)

10. Ignorance (7) (avijjā)

Recollection (2/51) (anusati):

1. Recollection/Buddha (20) (buddhānussati)

2. Recollection/Dhamma (1/15) (dhammānussati)

3. Recollection/Saṅgha (1/11) (saṅghānussati)

4. Recollection/Virtue (17) (sīlānussati)

5. Recollection/Generosity (7) (cāgānussati)

6. Recollection/Devas (11) (devatānussati)

7. Mindfulness of breathing (2/116) (ānāpānassati)

8. Recollection/Death (1/29) (maraṇassati)

9. Mindfulness of body (75) (kāyagatā-sati)

10. Recollection/Peace (3) (upasamānussati)


Dependent origination (23) (paticca-samuppāda):

1. Ignorance (7) (avijjā)

2. Volitional formations (2/36) (saṅkhāra)

3. Consciousness (2/28) (viññāṇa)

4. Name and form (nāma-rūpa) see Aggregates (1/43)

5. Six Sense Bases (1/33) (saḷ-āyatana)

6. Contact (13) (phassa)

7. Feeling (49) (vedanā)

8. Craving (1/49) (taṇhā)

9. Clinging (1/92) (upādāna)

10. Becoming (1/23) (bhava)

11. Birth (11) (jāti)

12. Suffering (1/179) (dukkha)


Aids to Awakening (1) (bodhipakkhiyādhammā):

1-4. Four Foundations of Mindfulness (cattāro satipaṭṭhānā) see Right Mindfulness (1/60)

5-8. Four Right Efforts (cattāro sammappadhānā) see Right Effort (87)

9-12. Four Bases of Success (7) (cattāro iddhipādā)

13-17. Five Faculties (5) (pañca indriyā)

18-22. Five Powers (pañca balā) see Faculties (5)

23-29. Seven Factors of Awakening (9) (satta bojjhaṅgā)

30-37. Noble Eightfold Path (47) (ariya aṭṭaṅgika magga)