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41 events, 259 sessions, 2107 excerpts, 119:43:22 total duration

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Abhayagiri Monastic Retreat 2013, Session 4Ajahn Pasanno – Nov. 26, 2013

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1. “Please explain again: When one restores concentration by focusing on the in-and-outtake of the breath, is one using the vinnana/consciousness of the grasping mind?” [Mindfulness of breathing] [Concentration] [Consciousness] [Clinging]

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2. “During retreats I sometimes have dreams in which my actions are unskillful. Does one eventually keep the precepts even in dreams?” [Precepts] [Dreams]

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3. “‘Like exercise makes the body strong, inner stillness makes the mind strong.’ Why stillness and not awareness?” [Calming meditation] [Tranquility] [Present moment awareness]

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4. “It has been a few years since my last retreat. May I request a reminder on how to practice metta mediation on oneself...I seem to have forgotten.” [Goodwill]

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5. “Would you please give an example of how wholesome qualities can condition unwholesome qualities?” [Skillful qualities] [Unskillful qualities] [Conditionality]

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6. “I feel like a kid whose father has told a story and there is more to tell...Please father do tell (about non-complicated thoughts etc.).” [Proliferation]

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7. “I have a hard time ending or letting go of relationships after they no longer serve me or prove to be unskillful people...Is this attachment to person or aversion/ fear etc of the unknown?” [Relationships] [Relinquishment] [Clinging] [Fear]

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8. “How do you decrease the times an obsessive thought arises in the mind?...What is obsession anyways?” [Restlessness and worry] [Proliferation]

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9. “I’ve been sitting on this question...It has to do with dispassion, shedding, simplifying and being easily satisfied on the one end of the spectrum and being engaged and active in the world...How can one practice shedding internally but still be responsive and engaged regarding the suffering from environmental and social issues?” [Politics and society] [Environment] [Dispassion] [Contentment] [Renunciation]

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10. “Could you please explain again the differences between sanna, sankara, and vinnana? I’m still not getting it.” [Perception] [Volitional formations] [Consciousness]

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11. “Is there an obligation to reconcile with family before your death or theirs (especially when family has been particularly unskillful towards us)?” [Family] [Death] [Forgiveness]

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12. “What is meant by ‘fools’...the Buddha’s definition of a fool.”

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13. “Is there anything skillful about crying, the flow of tears?” [Grief]

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14. “How does one reconcile the apparent complete lack of control that is experienced in meditation...with the apparent need to control one’s circumstances off the cushion. Is it possible to live with complete non-contention and still have an organized life?” [Everyday life] [Meditation] [Volition] [Non-contention]

Abhayagiri Monastic Retreat 2013, Session 5Ajahn Pasanno – Nov. 27, 2013

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1. “What is the funeral protocol for monks? What about non-monastics in the West?” [Funerals] [Monastic life] [Lay life]

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2. “Over the last couple of years, I’ve been noticing that memory retention isn’t quite what it used to be...In your experience, has meditation practice helped sharpen the memory?” [Memory] [Ageing] [Meditation]

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3. “I’ve been reflecting on ‘no-self’ and it hasn’t quite been resonating. Instead it feels like daunting abstraction. Can you suggest a simple way to approach this?” [Not-self]

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4. “I saw one of your new publications ‘Don’t Hold Back.’ Why did you choose this title? The chapter on chanting answered many questions I had.” [Dhamma books] [Ajahn Pasanno] [Chanting]

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5. “Funeral and memorial services are not only important for those left behind, but maybe important for the new traveler in afterlife. Could you say more about supporting a dead person? What kind of support and how long? Years? Does ‘human support’ matter or does ‘karma’ of each individual ‘take care of it’?” [Funerals] [Death] [Rebirth] [Kamma]

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6. “I found your explanation of the theme of ‘constancy’ in practice as a constancy in keeping a bright and awake mind more helpful and do-able than a constancy in keeping to one meditation object as is sometime taught. Could you please say more.” [Right Effort] [Gladdening the mind] [One pointedness]

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7. “Would you please comment on ‘The Highest Blessings’ where is reads: ‘Avoiding those of foolish ways...and cherishing family.’ What if family members engage in foolish ways like addiction to alcohol and one can not always avoid them? Can one cherish one of foolish ways?” [Family] [Spiritual friendship] [Intoxicants]

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8. “It seems that every year I expect less from myself at a retreat [but also]...every year a retreat becomes easier and more peaceful. Would you say this is because: a) I am getting wiser? b) I am abandoning all intentions? Or c) I am running out of hormones?” [Long-term practice] [Meditation retreats]

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9. “Where do the Brahma-Viharas fit into the 4 Noble Truths?’” [Four Noble Truths] [Divine Abidings]

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10. “Thank you for the most profound expository discourse on Ananpanasati...How do you practice it? Do you memorize it and note all the aspects (tick them off and get a certificate)?” [Mindfulness of breathing]

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11. “Is the pursuit of peace, cessation, stillness any different from any other pursuit or desire?” [Tranquility] [Cessation] [Desire]

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12. “Can you please speak about dealing with physical pain during a sit (particularly back pain and headaches)?” [Pain] [Posture/Sitting]

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13. “It seems like the ‘Reflection on the 32 Parts’ of the body is missing several parts...Is it meant to be comprehensive? Or is it just the ugly bits?” [Unattractiveness]

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14. “Please explain which comes first birth or becoming for example with anger or any feeling or character?” [Birth] [Becoming] [Ill-will]

Abhayagiri Monastic Retreat 2013, Session 6Ajahn Pasanno – Nov. 28, 2013

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1. “Can you tell us about how Ajahn Chah taught Western monks when he doesn’t know English?” [Ajahn Chah] [History/Western Buddhist monasticism] [Language]

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2. “If this question is okay, could you please tell us any more about how Ajahn Chah challenged you in those first five years – and/or later?” [Ajahn Chah] [Ajahn Pasanno]

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3. “I’m trying to be with the breath without controlling it. When I let go of control, the breath seems to accelerate so that I can’t keep up with it. Help!” [Mindfulness of breathing] [Volition]

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4. “Is it okay to do standing meditation in here during meditation sessions when nothing else is working for sleepiness or restlessness?” [Posture/Standing] [Sloth and torpor] [Restlessness and worry]

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5. “In the chant ‘Suffusion with the Divine Abidings,’ what does it mean “I will abide pervading the all encompassing world with a heard imbued with loving-kindness. Likewise the second...third...fourth’? Why does it not say something like ‘pervading the entire heart’?” [Divine Abidings] [Heart/mind]

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6. “Thank you for the teachings...Could you speak about the heart and mind which appear to be used interchangeably. How can we listen with discernment to the heart? How can we cultivate its strength?” [Heart/mind] [Discernment]

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7. “Was metta taught as a concentration earlier than Buddhagosa? Also, how is it taught in the Thai Forest Tradition now?” [Goodwill] [Commentaries] [Thai Forest Tradition]

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8. “Ajahn Karunadhammo (it certainly takes a lot of ink to write out your name), your talk today was incredibly timely.” [Gratitude]

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9. “Thank you All for the abundant, exalted, immeasurable gratitude that I am presently experiencing as streaming out of my citta and heading right toward you. Don’t duck.” [Gratitude]

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10. “In the article ‘Consciousnesses’ by Ajahn Lee, he talks about beings that inhabit the mind and body...What are your thoughts on this? When seeing unusual phenomena that can be interpreted in this way, what is a good course of action?” [Ajahn Lee Dhammadharo] [Psychic powers] [Realms of existence]

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11. “Would you please describe the 4 ways of skillfully answering or asking questions or the different types of questions?” [Questions]

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12. “In ‘Homage to the Sangha’ chant, what are the ‘Four pairs, the eight kinds of Noble Beings?’” [Recollection/Saṅgha] [Stages of awakening]

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13. “It makes sense that loving-kindness is the antidote to a person-directed ill-will, but what is the antidote to a more recurring, low-level, general aversion to experience?” [Goodwill] [Ill-will] [Aversion]

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14. “Where are the paramis listed and described in the Pali Canon?” [Perfections] [Sutta]

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15. “What would you say to someone who committed suicide if you could?” [Suicide] [Teaching Dhamma]

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16. “Why does the chanting book begin with the evening chanting first?” [Chanting]

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17. “Is there anything in the teachings/scriptures that would relate to the idea of organ donation?” [Health care] [Form] [Generosity]

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18. “After your 17 talks on Anapanasati, were you out of breath?” [Mindfulness of breathing] [Ajahn Pasanno]

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19. “Are there any times or situations where formal practice is not particularly helpful? If so, please explain why and then some alternative practices.” [Meditation/General advice]

Abhayagiri Monastic Retreat 2013, Session 7Ajahn Pasanno – Nov. 29, 2013

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1. “Would you mind sharing some of the difficulties you have had in your practice and how you resolved them?” [Ajahn Pasanno]

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2. “Can you talk about karma? (particularly in regard to the theory of specific cause yields similar result; and results from past life actions)” [Kamma]

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3. “As the Buddha referred to his past lives in measurements of eons and eons, is there any information he offered about the locality of hjs lives? Were they on planet Earth?” [Psychic powers] [Rebirth]

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4. “How is being ‘the one who knows’ as it is suggested, related to anatta?” [Knowing itself] [Not-self]

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5. “I’ve been reflecting on the buildup of 30 water bottles outside the hall...Can you speak about how we find security in such objects please?” [Clinging]

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6. “Is the following correct? -The 3 Characteristics can be seen as verbs? The end of Dukkha occurs when the 3 Characteristics are fully understood..? Dukkha in the outside world continues but one who realized the Truth is not ‘dukkha-ed’ because anatta is understood?” [Characteristics of existence] [Cessation of Suffering] [Not-self]

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7. “Today, and several times on retreat, I’ve found myself in a heavy mood and feeling torn between equanimity with the experience and using intention to shift my mental state...Any thoughts are much appreciated.” [Equanimity] [Gladdening the mind]

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8. “Also, related to this is-how does volition fit with anatta?” [Volition] [Not-self]

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9. “Is there consciousness (awareness, knowing) in the experience of nibbana or is there a complete cessation of all six senses, as some traditions say. (Particularly in relation to the experience of stream-entry, which is sometimes described as a cessation.)” [Nibbāna] [Sense bases] [Stream entry] [Cessation]

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10. “Mudita, gladness, joy, can be felt by listening to Dhamma, chanting, an uplifting shrine...I heard that mudita can be a moment or a way of enlightenment. Could you comment please.” [Empathetic joy] [Gladdening the mind]

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11. “How do you atone for past unskillful behavior that you know you have done? Will this lower the negative karma you reap?” [Kamma]

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12. “My mind went to the elements today and how the sense feel them...but can all senses feel all elements? On death, air and fire are gone but water and earth remain. Is this correct? Are these skillful reflections?” [Elements] [Sense bases] [Death]

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13. “Would you kindly review the 4 Ways to respond to questions?” [Questions]

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14. “How can we awaken the sense metta within the heart and would you help me understand the beautiful image of the heat being a vessel filled with loving kindness that you bring people into rather than sending it out.” [Goodwill] [Heart/mind]

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15. “Can you please talk a little bit about merit. How do you make it?” [Merit]

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16. “Does [merit] have to be intentional?” [Merit] [Volition]

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17. “Is there a difference in doing a good deed for a monastic versus a lay-person in regards to generating merit? Can only humans create merit..devas..animals?” [Kamma] [Merit] [Realms of existence]

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18. “When meditating, I’ve begun to ask myself: ‘What is the cause of suffering?’ A couple of sense desires arise, namely, the lack of intimacy and lack of a healthy relationship with a partner. Do I need to let these (seemingly normal) desires go to get down the path?” [Cause of Suffering] [Relationships] [Sensual desire] [Eightfold Path]

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19. “One practice is to cultivate joy, happiness...But if these are ‘defilements of insight,’ I feel empty. Any comment.” [Gladdening the mind] [Happiness] [Insight meditation]

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20. “Can you talk about path and fruit in regards to the stages of awakening? What are they? How are they different?” [Stages of awakening]

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21. “Could you please talk a bit more about the 3 types of liberation (signless, desireless, not self?). Is it a liberation in the sense of being free from suffering?” [Release] [Cessation of Suffering]

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22. “May I ask what was done with the ashes/bones of the monk cremated in Thailand?” [History/Thai Buddhism]

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23. “Would you be willing to tell as a little about the first steps that led you out of Northern Manitoba towards becoming an abbot in Thailand?” [Ajahn Pasanno]

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24. “Thank you for your talk today. Could you please expand further on how to maintain/practice tranquility in everyday life, especially as we ‘pick up’ many of the things in out lives. Could you please tell us the translation of Luang Por and also if its appropriate for laity to address you by this term?” [Everyday life] [Continuity of mindfulness] [Monastic titles]

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25. “One of the questions last night talked about the breath becoming rapid when not controlled. I’m confused. Am I right that we are not supposed to control our breath. Anapanasati is not like pranayama or a breathing exercise. Please clarify.” [Mindfulness of breathing]

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26. “Seems like the more I ‘see clearly,’ the more depressed (bordering on suicidal at times) I feel rather than freedom...Any practice suggestions?” [Depression] [Suicide]

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27. “After 20 plus years of having a daily practice and Dharma being first priority, I just up and stopped meditating one day about 2 years ago...Can you talk about this ‘rolling up the mat’ [phenomenon]? Why it happens, how and when, etc?” [Long-term practice]

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28. “Why would consciousness not be considered self?” [Consciousness] [Not-self]

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29. “What is the ‘10,000 fold universal world system mentioned in The Discourse on Setting in Motion the Wheel of Dhamma’” [Realms of existence]

Abhayagiri Monastic Retreat 2013, Session 8Ajahn Pasanno – Nov. 30, 2013

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1. “Just curious- is there any explanation of how bones turn to crystal?” [Relics]

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2. “At what point did your practice change from serving yourself (to end your own suffering) to self-less service?” [Long-term practice] [Ajahn Pasanno] [Cessation of Suffering] [Generosity]

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3. Comment: I relinquished my anger...and I had no idea what a heavy burden I was clinging to until it was gone. [Aversion]

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4. “Would you talk about (describe) how to relax into ‘whole-body breathing?’ What does that mean?” [Mindfulness of breathing]

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5. “How much did the Buddha encourage his disciples to become enlightened to ‘get off the wheel’ versus experiencing freedom from suffering in this lifetime?” [Cessation of Suffering] [Rebirth]

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6. “What do you see as the future for women ordaining in Theravada Buddhism?” [Women's monastic forms] [Theravāda]

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7. “In the chant ‘10 Subject for Frequent Recollection,’ what does ‘one who had gone forth’ mean? Anyone on the path or only monastics?” [Recollection] [Monastic life]

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8. “Can we talk at breakfast please?” [Right Speech] [Meditation retreats]

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9. “How can one work with feeling the element of water in sitting or walking meditation?” [Elements] [Posture/Sitting] [Posture/Walking]

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10. “In the ‘Supreme Praise of the Dhamma [and] the Sangha’ why are the Dhamma and Sangha referred to as ‘My Lord and guide?’” [Three Refuges] [Chanting]

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11. “I had a hard time getting up this morning...Any advice on getting up?” [Devotion to wakefulness]

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12. “You mentioned that Ajahn Chah stated that samadhi should be accompanied by alertness. Does this mean that Jhana should not be a ‘zoned out’ state?” [Ajahn Chah] [Right Concentration] [Clear comprehension] [Jhāna]

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13. “Also, What are the 4 aspects of bhavana that you mentioned?” [Meditation]

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14. “I’ve been experiencing a similar type of irritation as Debbie mentioned in her talk. I feel I’m present as it arise and think I’m letting it go only to find its turned into a big clump or irritation. I’m still unclear as to how to work with this. Please advise.” [Aversion]

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15. “‘There is no-self in the created or the un-created’...Does this statement conceal an asymmetry? Surely we investigate the created to separate from it – But can we investigate the uncreated? And if so, is it not to identify with it?” [Not-self] [Unconditioned] [Self-identity view]

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16. “Do you miss Ajahn Amaro?” [Ajahn Pasanno] [Ajahn Amaro]

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17. “Thank you for your inspiring teachings...Question: I seem to recollect that the Buddha cautioned against unwholesome thoughts in a way that seemed to raise their results as similar to their unwholesome causes. Is this so?” [Proliferation] [Kamma] [Unskillful qualities]

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18. “No room for the second question.”

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19. “Does the 5th precept include coffee or prescription drugs as drugs to avoid? Does the precept mean never drink alcohol or don’t abuse alcohol for a lay person?...Does Right Livelihood mean one cannot work in a place that serves and/or sells alcohol, coffees, or drugs? Or, does it mean don’t work where alcohol and drugs are made?” [Intoxicants] [Medicinal requisites] [Right Livelihood]

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20. “Today is the 23rd anniversary of my grandmother’s passing. I am particularly thinking of her today and dedicating loving kindness. Is this a meritorious act or is this fantasy?” [Death] [Family] [Merit] [Goodwill]

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21. “Please explain the difference between aggregates and faculties.” [Aggregates] [Faculties]

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22. “What is the difference between ignorance and delusion?” [Ignorance] [Delusion]

New Year, New Life, Session 1Ajahn Pasanno – Dec. 16, 2013

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1. “I see what you’re saying about the hindrances, but it seems like that’s everything I called my life....So you’re saying keep on working at it and it [the mind] gets used to focusing?” [Hindrances] [Proliferation] [Meditation] // [Mindfulness] [Goodwill] [Recollection/Virtue] [Recollection/Generosity] [Gladdening the mind]

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2. “What do you think about the idea of secular Buddhism? Earlier you spoke about bhāvanā versus meditation, that meditation is not a useful translation [of bhāvanā]. Do you think secular Buddhism is useful or not?” [Secular Buddhism] [Meditation] // [Human] [Suffering] [Cultural context] [Buddhist identity] [Culture/West] [Learning]

Quote: “Anything is useful if it’s picking up the actual teachings of the Buddha and applying [them] in a skillful way.” [Eightfold Path] [Skillful qualities]

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3. Comment: You spent time with Ajahn Buddhadāsa. Some people call his teachings secular because he didn’t really focus on the supernatural, pretty much similar to Ajahn Chah. This way of thinking [phrase in Thai]. Some people consider that secular. [Ajahn Buddhadāsa] [Secular Buddhism] [Supernatural] [Ajahn Chah]

Response by Ajahn Pasanno: “I doubt that Ajahn Buddhadāsa did.”

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4. “Could you talk about contemplation in meditation? You mentioned earlier about using methods; my understanding is that they help one to calm the mind. How does one get into the state of contemplation without disturbing that calm state of mind?” [Recollection] [Calming meditation] [Insight meditation] [Characteristics of existence] // [Mindfulness] [Clear comprehension] [Directed thought and evaluation] [Cessation of Suffering] [Desire] [Bases of Success]

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5. “You said you have to adjust and think about contemplating. But how can you do that in your working time?” [Right Effort] [Directed thought and evaluation] [Discernment] [Everyday life] // [Mindfulness] [Clear comprehension] [Happiness] [Recollection]

Quote: “In daily life, in contact with the world, do you still breathe?” — Ajahn Chah [Ajahn Chah] [Mindfulness of breathing]

Follow-up: “Could you give some examples? In Bangkok, there is lots of news that makes people crazy and divisive. When you see this news, you feel upset and angry.” [News] [Conflict] [Aversion] [Right Speech] [Politics and society] [Proliferation]

Quote: “I don’t care. Not in the sense that I don’t think it’s serious or that it’s not a problem. But I don’t care in the sense that I don’t want to be getting involved in whatever side people are working themselves up about, because the problem is much deeper than that. We have to pay attention to the deeper problem, both in the human condition and politically.” [Human]

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6. “I find I do need some pleasures even thought they don’t last, things like fine arts and being in nature. I’m curious, how did you manage as a monk in your early years at Ajahn Chah’s monastery where there’s almost no pleasure....How did you manage to keep going over the years until the present?” [Sensual desire] [Artistic expression] [Culture/Natural environment] [Ajahn Pasanno] [Monastic life] [Ajahn Chah] [Food] [Entertainment and adornment] [Monastic life/Motivation] // [Cessation of Suffering] [Happiness] [Simplicity] [Association with people of integrity] [Empathetic joy] [Human] [Hindrances] [Jhāna] [Virtue] [Discernment]

Quote: “One of the extraordinary perks of being a monk is that everyone tries to be good around you.”

Sutta: MN 36.32: “Why am I afraid of that happiness?” [Buddha/Biography] [Ascetic practices] [Suffering] [Skillful qualities] [Eightfold Path]

Quote: “As a monk, I can look back on forty years of living in a way where I don’t have to feel remorseful or regret anything.”