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Numbers in parentheses following tag names: (number of excerpts tagged/number of excerpts tagged with this tag or its subtags).

Skillful qualities (63/1660) (kusalā dhammā)

  Middle Path (3/27) (majjhimā paṭipadā)

Noble Eightfold Path (47/1065) (ariya aṭṭaṅgika magga)

  1. Right View (1/32) (sammā-diṭṭhi)

2. Right Intention (20/227) (sammā-saṅkappa)

  1. Renunciation (20) (nekkhamma)

  2. Non-ill-will (abyāpāda) see Goodwill (2/121)

  3. Non-cruelty (avihiṃsā) see Compassion (1/103)

3. Right Speech (1/22/64) (sammā-vācā)

4. Right Action (4/44) (sammā-kammanta)

  5. Right Livelihood (38) (sammā-ājīva)

6. Right Effort (87/87) (sammā-vāyāma)

7. Right Mindfulness (1/60/558) (sammā-sati)

8. Right Concentration (24/380) (sammā-samādhi)

Four Noble Truths (1/42/716) (cattāri ariya-saccāni)

Aids to Awakening (1/195) (bodhipakkhiyādhammā)

Four Bases of Success (7/226) (cattāro iddhipādā)

Five Faculties (5/359) (pañca indriyā)

Seven Factors of Awakening (9/326) (satta bojjhaṅgā)

Divine Abidings (1/23/248) (brahmavihārā)

Seven Treasures (7/501) (satta dhanā)

Ten Perfections (10/489) (dasa pāramiyo)

Progress of insight (18/362)

Stages of awakening (31/190)

  Heedfulness (9) (appamāda)

  Gratitude (1/67) (kataññu)

  Merit (2/41) (puñña)

  Forgiveness (1/11) (khama)

  Contentment (20) (santuṭṭhi)

  Trust (19)

  Courage (4)

  Humility (12)

  Dignity (4)

  Non-contention (6)

  Self-reliance (15)

Unskillful qualities (33/695) (akusalā dhammā)

Indeterminate qualities (-/880) (abyākatā dhammā)

Three Refuges (1/44/244) (tisaraṇa)

Devotional practice (26/200)

Precepts (3/35/175) (sikkhāpada)

Meditation (75/1106) (bhāvanā)

Teaching Dhamma (133/960)

Teachers (1/23/981)

Monasteries (7/306)

Nature of the cosmos (12/332)

History (3/162)

Cultural context (16/464)

Spiritual traditions (6/98)

Renunciant practice (2/835)

Everyday life practice (33/703)