2. Teachings to Marjorie by Ajahn Chah, Part 1. Thai audio with English translation read by Kittisaro. [Thai audio] [Ajahn Chah] // [Similes] [Moods of the mind] [Heedfulness] [Continuity of mindfulness] [Cessation of Suffering]
Reference: “Living with the Cobra,” Collected Teachings of Ajahn Chah, p. 233.
Continued in Part 2.
[Session] Reading: “Meditation” from Living Dhamma by Ajahn Chah, pp. 50-53. Read by Ajahn Jitindriyā. [Meditation]
“Cultivate the tree right from the seed.” [Similes] [Practicing in accordance with Dhamma]
“To practice in a way that’s peaceful means to place the mind neither too high or too low, but at the point of balance.” [Middle Path] [Ajahn Chah]
“So many teachers, so many teachings.” [Teachers] [Doubt] [Meditation/Techniques]
“Where there is knowing, there is no need to think.” [Knowing itself] [Directed thought and evaluation] [Tranquility] [Mindfulness] [Discernment] [Proliferation]
“Resolve that right now is the time for training the mind and nothing else.” [Ardency] [Determination] [Mindfulness of breathing] [Body scanning] [Relinquishment] [Sense restraint]
“Sometimes there may be doubt, so you must have sati, to be the one who knows, continually following and examining the agitated mind.” [Continuity of mindfulness] [Restlessness and worry] [Heedfulness] [Concentration] [Feeling]
Simile: Chicken in a coop.
4. “Do you have any advice about how to hold a particularly strong “fighting spirit” teaching, like Ajahn Dtun?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Fierce/direct teaching] [Teaching Dhamma] [Ajahn Dtun] // [Culture/Thailand] [Ardency] [Right Effort] [Restlessness and worry] [Heedfulness] [Discernment] [Goodwill]
Sutta: AN 1.49: The mind is radiant.
Quote: “If you invite visitors into your home [the mind] and they just make a mess, then you want to close the door on them before they come in. You can’t be too polite.” — Ajahn Chah [Ajahn Chah] [Similes] [Unwholesome Roots]
10. “The suttas say ‘The wise protect their diligence as their greatest treasure.’ How does one protect one’s diligence?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Heedfulness] [Ardency] [Death] // [Sickness] [Mindfulness] [Discernment] [Mindfulness of mind] [Right Effort] [Happiness] [Spaciousness]
12. Comments about uncertainty, impermanence, and denial of the reality of one’s own death. [Impermanence] [Culture/West] [Heedfulness] [Virtue] [Death] [Recollection/Death]
Response by Ajahn Pasanno.
5. Comment: Appreciation for the similies of poking the cow and the herd of deer (MN 19). [Similes] [Heedfulness] [Directed thought and evaluation]
6. “Sometimes I get very worried and keep thinking about something and get tired and stressed out. Is this what the Buddha meant by ‘a day and a night’ [in MN 19.8]?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Restlessness and worry] [Directed thought and evaluation] // [Unskillful qualities] [Suffering] [Similes] [Heedfulness]
9. “If everything in life is great, and I am enjoying my life, why practice? What could get better?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Everyday life] [Happiness] [Heedfulness] // [Discernment] [Right Effort] [Rebirth] [Noble Truth of Suffering] [Right View]
12. “Can you please talk more about the three happinesses and what we should be careful about?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Happiness] [Heedfulness] // [Everyday life] [Deva] [Nibbāna] [Hindrances] [Virtue] [Community]
Reference: Verses of Sharing and Aspiration, Amaravati Chanting Book, p. 33.