Wise Use of the Requisites
Bhikkhu P.A. Payutto

…the wise use of the four requisites refers to using material things and consumer products skilfully. When eating food, wearing clothing, etc. one understands the purpose of such actions and recognizes the true advantages of these things.
Even while using a computer, we should consider and examine the true benefits provided by such technology. If we are established in the practice of wise consumption, we will already have the disposition to reflect in this way when using technology. This reflection will arise immediately, no matter with what we engage. Wise reflection is always linked to wise consumption. While using a computer, we reflect: ‘What are the actual benefits of this device?’ We do not simply use it to play video games. By possessing this form of moral conduct, such activities can be an opportunity for learning and creativity.
This reflection by Venerable Payutto is an excerpt from Education Made Easy, (pdf) pp.4-5; translated into the English by Robin Moore.