Good Advice and Wise Reflection
Ajahn Thiradhammo

Ānanda: ‘Sir, fully half of this religious life is good friendship, good companionship, good association.’
Buddha: ‘Not quite so, Ānanda, not quite so. It is the whole, not the half, of this religious life, this good friendship, good companionship, good association.’ (S.V,2)
Although self-reliance is an important foundation for spiritual practice, we can also greatly benefit from the support and guidance of a ‘noble’ friend.
A noble friend can point us towards the right path, encourage us beyond our own limits and make us aware of those aspects of ourselves of which we are frightened or to which we are blind and resistant.
In the Buddha’s teaching, companionship with the noble is formally represented by the religious community (Sangha) of monks and nuns who have fully committed themselves to a life of spiritual practice and often offer guidance from their own experience.
Monks, nuns or laypeople who have realized a sufficient degree of insight are known as the ‘Ariyā’ or ‘Savaka Sangha’, the real Refuge of the Sangha and the most noble of friends. They are at least partially awakened and can be correctly identified only by their wisdom, not their physical appearance.
More generally, however, a noble friend is anyone who offers us good advice and wise reflection, so that we can more easily discern a beneficial and skilful path in life.
This reflection by Ajahn Thiradhammo is from the book, Treasures of the Buddha’s Teaching, (pdf) p. 80. (Please refer to the book for translation citation.)