
No Thanksgiving Retreat This Year

After some consideration, it has been decided that there will not be an Abhayagiri Thanksgiving Retreat in 2024. This is partially because multiple senior monks will be away during that time. Please note that there are still plenty of opportunities to practice and participate. For example, one can visit Abhayagiri for the day or reserve an overnight stay via the Abhayagiri Contact page. Every Satu…


Mindfulness of Breathing Practice & Study Day on August 10

There will be an Ānāpānasati Practice and Study Day on Saturday, August 10. The Dhamma themes to be considered include aging and sickness as well as contemplation of the four elements. The teachers are Ajahn Karunadhammo, Ajahn Nyaniko and Ajahn Cunda. This event is freely offered for the general public and no registration is required. There will be teachings offered and time for meditation and qu…


Summer Events at Abhayagiri

Sat., July 20 - Āsāḷha Pūjā Āsāḷha Pūjā commemorates the Buddha’s first discourse, given to the first five bhikkhus in the Deer Park at Sarnath, near Varanasi. Chanting begins at 7pm followed by a period of silent meditation, taking of the three refuges and eight precepts, and a Dhamma talk given by a senior monk. This will be followed by circumambulation with candles, flowers and incense. Day vis…

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Three Points to Check

Ajahn Sucitto

The Buddha said there are three points to check before we do something: ‘This is for my welfare’, ‘This for the welfare of others’ and ‘It leads to nibbāna, [Majjhima Nikāya 19]’, which means it leads to letting go, to release, to non-compulsiveness; it leads to the mind’s becoming less feverish or gripped and finally towards peace, towards ceasing of this inner compulsiveness – however you want to define nibbāna. When something is for my welfare, it brings up skilful states in me; I feel respect for myself; I feel a sense of kindness, strength or calm in myself. If all these three checkpoi…

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Opening the Dhamma Eye: Reflections on the Buddha’s First Teaching

Ajahn Ñāniko

Ajahn Nyaniko reflects on the Buddha’s first teaching, and emphasizes understanding the Four Noble Truths, the importance of practice, and cultivating a wholesome mind. This Dhamma talk was offered on July 20, 2024 at Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery.

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