Intoxicants (surāmeraya-majja-pamādaṭṭhānā)
Parent topics: Five Precepts, Eight Precepts
20 excerpts, 1:23:05 total duration

All excerpts (20) Questions about (14) Answers involving (4) Stories (4) Readings (2)

Right Livelihood, Session 1 – Apr. 21, 2013

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3. “Could you talk more about the particular professions that the Buddha laid out as wrong livelihood (AN 5.177)? Why is being in the military not on the list?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Work] [Military] [Right Livelihood] // [Unskillful qualities] [Kamma] [Killing] [Intoxicants] [Rebirth]

Sutta: AN 5.177: Trades

Story: The widow of a wealthy man divests from Singha Beer. [Intoxicants] [Commerce/economics]

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6. “If the person selling the product enjoys selling it and the person buying it enjoys the product, what is the unpleasant consequence?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Commerce/economics] [Sensual desire] [Kamma] [Right Livelihood] // [Unskillful qualities] [Intoxicants] [Crime] [Heedlessness]

Teen Weekend 2017 – Sep. 2, 2017

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9. “What were you like when you were 18?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Ajahn Pasanno] // [Delusion] [Spiritual search] [Intoxicants] [Relationships]

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17. “Have you broken any precepts where only you know if you broke them?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Vinaya] [Ajahn Pasanno] // [Right Speech]

Story: Ajahn Pasanno’s uncle offers him alchohol. [Intoxicants] [Truth]